April 16, 2011

Best pizza crust ever

Levi hates pizza crust if it isnt thin crust or pizza hut. I love pizza. Thick crusted, delicious pizza. So we went on a quest to find the very best pizza dough ever and we found it.

2 1/4 tsp active dry yeast (1 pkg)
1/2 tsp brown sugar
1 1/2 cups HOT water
1 tsp salt
2 tbsp olive oil
3 1/3(ish) cups flour

In a large bowl, dissolve the yeast and brown sugar in the water, and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Stir in the salt and oil, then add flour slowly and mix it up until you form a soft dough that can be kneaded (so its not all sticky and gross..)

Turn the dough out onto a floured surface and knead until its a nice elasticky dough. Put your ball of dough into a well oiled bowl, cover with a cloth, and let rise until doubled (about an hour). Punch it down and form a tight ball, then allow the dough to relax for a minute or two before putting it on your pizza pan.

Preheat your oven to 425. Then squish your pizza dough onto a greased pan, and let it rise for 15-20 minutes. Bake it for about 10 minutes, then add your toppings, and bake it for about 10 more minutes (or until its done)

This recipe also makes delicious bread sticks.. heres how i make them:

After kneading the dough the first time, i squish it kinda flat and sprinkle some grated cheese and italian seasoning on top. Then i knead it some more to get the seasoning and cheese all over in it. Shape it into bread sticks, then brush with olive oil. Top with a little more italian seasoning and a little more cheese. Let it rise for a while (Until you decide its done rising.. i dont know.. whenever you think it looks good. maybe 20 minutes) Then bake it for about 20 minutes or until they're golden brown.


Kristin said...

I just want you to make the bread sticks and let me eat them so I'm going to pretend like I didn't see this. lol

Anonymous said...

lol ok ill do that.
I almost called your husband today and told him id make him cinnamon rolls if he'd come help dig this stinkin hole lol
He's the only one i could think of that might take that bribe :)