April 4, 2012

Veggie Roll-Ups

When I cook, I usually cook by what I think/know tastes good together and therefore rarely have a recipe. I will do my best with this one..

You will need:
2 packages of cream cheese
2 crescent roll canister things - you know, the ones Pillsbury have?

Chop up the veggies very fine. Add some olive oil to the pan and warm it up a bit before adding the vegetables. Saute them for a while, adding your favorite seasonings (salt, pepper, onion powder, etc.). You should cook them until they're soft but not soggy. Turn down the heat, add the 2 packages of cream cheese and melt it all together. When that part's done, open the crescent rolls and flatten them out, add a good amount of the veggie-cream mix and roll 'em up. Bake them as directed on the crescent roll package.

Fast, easy, and delicious. :)

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